Consumer Goods Cloud Right Start

Duration options
1-120 Days

Investment Expectation

Enable increased customer satisfaction through delivering services that foster growth.

Our Right Start package enables you to plan, execute, and deliver services in a manner that fosters business growth and enhances customer satisfaction.

More details on what you’ll get:

  1. Business Process Reviews

  2. Lead Personalization: Collaborate to customise Salesforce leads for efficient prospect recording and qualification.

  3. Account and Contact Configuration: Configure accounts and customise contacts to manage essential business and personal details crucial for sales processes.

  4. Opportunity Configuration: Configure opportunities to track sales pipelines, win rates, competitors, and sales stages for comprehensive reporting.

  5. Visit Planning and Execution: Customise visit processes so that representatives can efficiently plan and execute tasks at each location.

  6. Maps Configuration and Optimisation

  7. Salesforce Training: Conduct a one-hour custom webinar session focused on data import training for leads, accounts, and contacts in Salesforce.

  8. Project Close - We work with you to sign off on testing, turn everything live and complete post-project analysis and satisfaction surveys.

Pricing is for implementation services only, with Salesforce licenses being additional.

Licenses can be purchased through Relationship Unlimited at a cost of $350 NZD per user per month (billed annually at $4,200 + GST per user for an Enterprise level license). Other license types as well as payment options are available so will be discussed during project kickoff.