Quote 2 Cash Right Start

Duration options
1-40 Days

Investment Expectation

Save time and money to streamline order management by automating products, services, and subscriptions.

Our Quote-to-Cash service offering empowers you and your company to streamline order management by automating products, services, and subscriptions directly from a single opportunity. This approach saves time by generating multiple quotes and seamlessly automating approval processes.

  • Enterprise-grade quoting and high-performance revenue management. Automated Approval routing as well as status and history auditing. Our system offers flexible pricing options as well as Bill to/Ship to/Drop-ship with multiple discounting options and gives you the control and adaptability you need. Automated Tax calculations (sales, Excise, Usage, GST/VAT), and support for additional handling charges and credits.

  • Speed up and faster approvals. E-sign functionality with clause approval. Email order for E-Sign with tracking. Automated signature and IP Address capture in addition to Accepted Terms & Conditions. 

  • Seamless Order Management. Single click Quote to Order Conversion.

  • Project Close - We work with you to sign off on testing, turn everything live and complete post-project analysis and satisfaction surveys.

Pricing is for implementation services only, with Salesforce and Kugamon licenses being additional.

Licenses can be purchased through Relationship Unlimited starting from $230 NZD per user per month (billed annually at $2,760 + GST per user for an Enterprise level license). Other license types as well as payment options are available so will be discussed during project kickoff.