Test-Driven Development (TDD)

Test-driven development (TDD) is our way of ensuring that our developers understand what is required and that the work is delivered right the first time!

Test-driven development (TDD) has evolved from the Agile Project Delivery approach and follows industry development best practices to:

  • Confirm and verify that the system changes are understood before and during the delivery against the agreed outcome(s).

  • Determine and confirm the optimal point for new configuration or code changes.

  • No surprise with any of the development scope and that there are impacts to other systems/ components.

This approach regulates the solution's development into smaller, more tightly controlled sprints, enabling the developer to confirm the development testing results and that they have been performed successfully. This gives assurance that the development is ready, resulting in less effort required by both the developer and the business testers (as they are delivered right-first-time).